September 2, 2009


gosto de 29's porque nasci nesse dia
hoje há 2 29's
talvez devesse estudar numerologia
o meu signo diz:

For September 2: You see big improvements today, especially during the afternoon and evening. Most of these improvements boost your mood, increase financial opportunity, and enhance your sense of security. You feel less like a sitting duck and more like a bright pink flamingo that everyone oohs and ahhs over. The wheel of fortune turns in your favor, thanks to a team or group effort. Be sure you personally thank each person who assisted you along the way. The ones that helped you are real friends.

Today's Mantra: I am so grateful that good fortune is beginning to manifest for me. I express my gratitude to each person that helped me during this journey.

A bright pink flamingo! Great :D
Portanto, obrigado a todos os real friends! Love you all!


sonia sapinho said...

Bright pink flamingo, WOW!
Bright pink is the new orange!

puro hedonismo said...

ahahahah ;)